Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Women Lie, Men Lie, Numbers Don't Lie

Now it’s 2011 and everybody is on there own shit about who and how many people they can fuck. WHO CARES! Somebody asked me why men cheat. I say, it’s simple numbers. Women outnumber men in crazy amounts. We gonna break it down real quick so you know how easy it is. I been around the block a few times and this is how I see it:

The ratio of women to men is 10:1 (That’s ten to one for those who didn’t pass math class). So with 10 women to one man, you have to automatically remove two of them because they are hardcore lesbians, and you will NEVER get that pussy. So give up! Now take away one more because this chick is ugly as sin and you wouldn’t fuck her with a strap-on. That leaves seven chances to get some pussy. Of the seven, three of them are so into their career that they don’t see a nigga that ain’t at NBA baller status. These are the Stoosh bitches. Of the four remaining, you have, the “Independent Chick”, that dosen't need a nigga for shit and you don’t wanna heat that bullshit. Then the Single mom, that’s really cool and you vibe but she got baby daddy drama. Also the young chick that don’t wanna do nothing but party and fuck. We call her “GP” (Guaranteed Pussy). Last but not least you have the “I’m ready to have a real man in my life and settle down chick." So we get numbers and talk and text with all but the Stoosh Bitch. Now with the final three, you're almost guaranteed to fuck two of them. The question is which one do you keep. The young chick is a keeper, simply because she only needs you to come by and chill after she finishes with class. Smoke one and beat the pussy up. To avoid baby daddy drama, we keep single mom at a distance. So we fucking Youngin’ and the Relationship ready chick. And even from time to time you may get to fuck the single mom. All in all, It’s too many bitches in the world for you not to be getting pussy. Your game dosen't even have to be tight. I find that out of 10 women, you gonna fuck at least 3 of them. That’s not bad! I tell you what, go to the club and ask 10 women if they wanna fuck after the club. Three of them are going to be down and two of them are going to be looking for you outside. Now you have to decide who looks like a better fuck.
Some may say I'm wrong for saying that, but in a numbers game, you CANT lose! So nigga get ya numbers up and get pussy in 2011. I promise this is the year of the Million Nuts Busted.


  1. hahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah!!!!!!

    Is this REALLY how men think???

    Well, time to drop some knowledge--of the 10 women you mentioned, you forgot to eliminate (1) your Mum, (2) your sister (or that chick who might as well be your sister), (3) your best dude's little sister (because, let's be for real, even though YOU wanna hit that...and she might let you, her brother would KILL you, resurrect you...and then kill your ass again--s---- not worth it!!)

    I agree that some chicks have GP status...and that some are super into their careers... But I don't think that being an independent/career minded woman precludes sexual desire. (I can only site me as an example) I'm pretty career oriented and I don't need (or WANT, for that matter) some dude to support me--Imma get my own, thank you very much!--but c'mon, the vibrator only works every so often...sometimes you feel like getting some dick....but that doesn't qualify a chick for GP status.

    Fucking with the Youngin' will only get you caught up in Youngin'-drama--why can't you buy me sneakers, pick me up, take me to the mall, why you with your boys so much...eventually, youngin will catch feelings...and she'll be on your nuts like tighties.

    There's nothing wrong with the stoosh ckick, btw--just get your game up and you'll be good--I mean, after all, what's wrong with self-improvement???

    BUT if the choice comes down to Youngin and Relationship Ready, it would probably be in your best interest to holla at RR--if you tell her the truth from the get, (if she's interested) she'll be both the chick you're fucking AND the chick you hang out with (because she actually has her shit together and she ISN'T fucking nuts...)

    Maybe instead of looking toward QUANTITY, dudes should be about QUALITY...because if she's fucking YOU, she's probably fucking HIM, HIM, HIM and his boy.

    After all, although a key that opens many locks is a Master Key...a lock that is opened by many keys is simply a shitty ass lock.


  2. Shannon, you need your own blog. Thanks

  3. hahahahahah! naw, dude, I'll leave the real blogging to the experts--you know me, I just like to talk (a LOT) yeah... *blushes*

  4. Talesiya Lele Goa

    June 8 at 7:35pm

    that number shit stank...yes women out number men only because men are either gay confused or in me when GOD created man he created a woman for every man...i think men do the number thing to gain notoriety from his feed the male is a game for men and women are points..but trust PLAYERS DO GET PLAYED! the best Player is the WOMAN because we play the game smart. while you guys are runnin around thinking your in control the whole time we have analyzed, strategized and conquered..the entired game..WE HOLD THE BALL AND ITS OUR COURT! A MAN CAN ONLY BE A PLAYER IF WOMEN ALLOW HIM TOO...GO FIGURE
